Monday, September 24, 2012

Ms. Bea and Rascal

Introducing my new cats!!!

Ms. Bea and Rascal

They are super sweet and they make me so so happy.

Here's Ms. Bea again.

and close ups of the mail she's posing with:


  1. Lots of nice envelopes and I love your stamps esp. the one of Louisiana. :)

  2. Hi Emilie, now that is what I call a good mail day! Some peeps are going to be rapt to receive such amazing envelopes!
    Thanks for being a part of Blogtoberfest, hosted by Cathy aka {tinniegirl} last year. Thought you might be interested to know that we're running it again in 2012. You can find all the info at:
    And we're kicking off this Monday! Would love to see you there.
    Kat xxx
