Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas Mail!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year folks!

 May the Force Be With You!

I've had a kind of crazy fall semester. I got a new job, 9-5, and I taught a three hour ESL class two nights a week, so I was tired out!  But I'm not teaching in the new year, and so I'll have lots more time for cooking dinner and pies and posting on a blog and mail art and dare I say it, going to the gym (!!).

This Christmas was really wonderful and I did a ton of cookie baking, most notably my grandmothers gingerbread recipe. This is maybe 2/5ths of the gingerbread cookies we made... the batch is doubled and so enormous but the cookies go so quickly!!

(The picture looks a little wonky in spots because I used the panorama option!)

The tree we got this year was different than any other I've had. The needles were much longer and softer.

The university library had a big giveaway of dust jackets of childrens books, so I took a bunch and we cut them up to make ornaments and I also used them for my mail art. We also bought a bunch of cheap children's books at the public library's second hand book shop and made ornaments out of them. I particularly love the frog.