Hello all.
So, you might not know but here in Boston today is an official holiday. But not officially for St. Patrick's Day. Nope. Technically we have the holiday for Evacuation Day, celebrating when the British left Boston during the Revolutionary War. But of course this is just a big excuse. :-D
Sadly, it did mean that I didn't get any mail today.
A couple people commented on how much mail I get. Although I admit I do get tons of mail, for which I am super grateful... it may not be as much as you think. I don't think I've received a single piece of "good mail" this week. That is a bit unusual, but not crazy. The big posting I put up I received over 3 or 4 weeks.
You have to send mail to get mail!
Speaking of which, feel free to write to me if you don't already. I'll write back though it might not be super prompt. ;-D
Right now I'm sitting on the sofa using Clay's laptop and listening to Paul Simon while Clay sits next to me preparing dinner. Garlic smells so dang good.
I'll post some photos soon of St. Patrick's Day mail that I made recently... I'm too lazy right now.
Happy St. Patty's!
Love, Winnie's Girl