Saturday, March 10, 2012

Glorious Mail

I'm so tired from grading all day, but I wanted to post something because I haven't for several days.  Oh, I love mail so much.

 I'd rather get a bill in my mailbox than nothing at all, so that at least I know the postman's come and gone so I can let my hopes down for the day.

On Mardi Gras I got a letter from my aunt in Louisiana! A wonderful treat for that special day.
She made me a card with a bunch of our ancestors on it and sent me some beautiful stamps to boot!
I'll have to soak them off soon.


  1. What an aunt! Lucky you. :) Her handwriting is lovely.

  2. What a great idea for a postcard-family tree photos. I have to "borrow" family member photos from ones I find in flea markets or garage sales since no one in my tree seemed to keep anything to pass down.
