Saturday, February 1, 2014

California Dreamin' on such a winter's day

Is anyone else green with envy over Ex Postal Facto??

I won't be there, but my mailart will be! I submitted a piece to the art/book/mail call for mailart for a show there.  I sent my last three postcard save-the-dates out in early January- mostly to family to show them where my mailart was going.  Maybe they'll have it again next year... in Chicago!  It should totally move around the country, don't you think?  Where would you want it to come?

a couple outgoing letters:

 This "Kind" heart comes from the Penzey's spice catalogue. 
Their motto is "Love people. Cook them tasty food." 
My kind of people.

Can you guess where this square tan thing came from? 
hint: it's stamp selvage!


  1. Man, I was totally planning on taking a trip to go to the Ex Postal Facto but my budget did not allow for it :( Booooo.
    Square tan thing - Harry Potter stamps?

    1. Sorry you won't be able to go either. :( I knew I wouldn't be able to take off work for it.
      And, yes, it is from the Harry Potter stamps.

  2. How have I never heard of this?! I wish it'd come to LA.

  3. That would be an interesting event, but way too far for me. In the meantime, I'll keep sending out postcards.
