I've been sending a significant amount of mail recently. Having fun matching stamps with airmail envelopes.
I ran down my stationery supply to my last 5 notecards! And the last ones were my cutest ones, Mary Engelbreit, and bunnies gardening, dressed up in cute outfits. These are the types of cards that I hang onto longest because I'm such a sucker for them that I don't want to let them go.
Of course, I couldn't stand not having a bunch of notecards for long. I used some of my storecredit at our used bookstore to buy two packs of art notecards, Monet and someone I'd never heard of before and can't remember their name now. Woops. Turning books I don't want anymore into notecards is the best kind of magic.
Currently reading Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell. I'm all bundled up in this picture because I frequently disagree with someone about the thermostat in our house! ;)
My exciting news: I signed up for a watercolor class at the community center! I can't wait! It starts in September and I have to see if the supplies I already own match the list for the class.
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